Monday, December 17, 2012

finals week!

hope you all had good weekend!  it was fun to see a lot of you at the dessert social at mr. lockwood's house!

today, the junior high took the science and life skills final. 

homework: study for tomorrow's finals (history & language arts)!!!

6th - computer lab

Thursday, December 13, 2012

christmas play tonight!

tonight is the junior high christmas play.  please come out to support it!!

6th -
math - p. 223 - 234 #42-58 even

science - finish study guide

7th -
math - finish pythagorean fun-sheet (front only)

science - finish study guide

8th -
math - p. 272 #39-46

science - study for final!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

review week.

all week, we will be reviewing for finals!  finals will be on monday, tuesday, and wednesday next week.

math - 4.5 & 4.7 worksheet (last column only)

science - study guide due friday!

math - finish try, try, try again stations

science - study guide due thursday!

math - finish station 2

science - study guide due thursday!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

today is thursday.

we had small classes today as the jr. beta club heading to macon for the state convention.

math - p. 204 #2-40 even and study for quiz (4.1-4.6)!!!

math - chapter 3 review on p. 180- 182 #10-50 even and study for chapter 3 test!!

science - 3.3 section review

math - do 4.4 worksheet (parallel and perpendicular lines)

science - chapter 14 review #1-31 all (omit #27)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

wednesday work.


math - 4.5 fractions and decimals #1-11

science - finish chapter 11 review and study for test on friday!

math - 3.3 worksheet (venn diagrams)

math - 4.4 worksheet (parallel and perpendicular)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

a little homework.

science - chapter 11 review #1-14 (due tomorrow!)

no homework...hope you all had fun at the play!

math - 4.4 worksheet (point-slope form)  do all of the front and #1-6 on back!

science - finish work and power lab write-up

Monday, December 3, 2012

december is here.

hope you all had a great weekend as december began!  it was fun to see some of you at the holiday art auction yesterday!

math - (yes, we had math'll have science tomorrow) 4.4 worksheet (GCF)

science - read chapter 3 section 3 and do "reading with purpose"

science - 14.3 worksheet (front and back)

8th - simple machines poster.

helpful websites for you...

6th - computer lab

chapter 11 earthquake quizzes

Thursday, November 29, 2012

last thursday of november.

tomorrow the thanksgiving break assignment is due!!!!  you CANNOT turn it in as a late grade.

math - p. 188 (even numbers only) and finish!

math - finish!

science - read section 3.2 and do 3.2 section review

math - do color graph assignment and finish!

science - read section 14.3 in order to fill out the rest of the "simple machines graphic organizer" and do the back of the worksheet (vocabulary)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

continue with that

friday is the last day to turn in the thanksgiving break assignment.  remember, it is worth a TEST grade and a QUIZ grade, so it's VERY, VERY, VERY important.

math - p. 183 even only

science - p. 311 section 2 review #1-4 (11.2 Earthquakes)

math - 3.6 worksheet (applying the pythagorean theorem)

math - 4.1 worksheet (slope-intercept form)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

tuesday's homework.


math- work on!

math - p. 164-165 #1-7 and #14-18 even

science - do 3.1 worksheet and do extra credit (periodic element puns)

math - work on!

science - read section 14.2 and fill in the notes on the worksheet

Monday, November 26, 2012

back from turkey week.

hope everyone had a nice longggg break and a great time with the family!  just a few more weeks and we'll be out for the holidays!

for all of junior high: see post below!  on friday, the assignment is due!!!

science - read 11.1

science - read chapter 3.1 and do reading with purpose and section review (all problems!)

science - read chapter 14.1 and do reading with purpose and section review (all problems!)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

thanksgiving break math assignment.


Online Math  Assignment!!!

Over the Thanksgiving holiday week, you are expected to work on a Math assignment using the online Math resource of IXL Learning. This assignment is worth a quiz grade and a test grade in Math!!! This means you need to start working on this online math assignment right away! 
The assignment is due on Friday, November 30, which means you will have time to work on it the week after Thanksgiving break.  (This is a courtesy to those who are travelling over the holiday.) However, those who complete it by Monday, November 26 will receive 15 Extra Credit Points on the assignment!

Type in your username and password (given to you by Ms. K).
Username: _____________________________
Password: _______________________________
*Use the same username every time you complete an activity.
This will keep a computer record that I will be monitoring.*


  • Click on Seventh grade (on the left column…and yes, we do Seventh grade Math).
  • Click on the skills under each category that is assigned. 
  • On the Recording Sheet, list the number of problems you attempted and your score. You must attempt at least 20 problems for each skill. 
  • If you’re not satisfied with your score, you can keep attempting problems until you are satisfied with your score.
  • Your grade on this project will be based on a combination of completion (20 problems attempted) AND your score..

Each grade has 5 or 6 assigned categories on their recording sheet along with the skills they need to practice.
INTERNET ACCESS:  If you do NOT have internet access at home, you should use a computer at a friend’s/relative’s house or the public library. You are required to complete this project.  You will also be able to use the computer lab the week we get back from Thanksgiving Break, but do not wait to start the assignment then!

tutorial and subway.

the 6th graders got a  yummy treat on wednesday during tutorial as we studied for the chapter 3 math test.  thanks madisyn!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

day of tests.

today, 6th graders took a math test and the 7th and 8th graders took a science test.

math - begin the assignment!

math - p. 165 #8-13 and #20-21 (pythagorean theorem)

science - no homework...test day :)

math - p. 205 #2-24 even (chapter 3 practice test) and study for the chapter 3 test tomorrow!

science - no homework...test day :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

wednesday. wednesday. wednesday.

we have a busy end of the week as many tests are taking place.  make sure to study, study, study!!!

math - chapter 3 review (even problems only!) and study for test tomorrow!

science - study for chapter 10 test (on friday!)

math - finish 3.4 worksheet (the real number system)

science - study for chapter 2 test (tomorrow!)

math - finish 3.5 & 3.6 worksheet (arithmetic sequences and linear functions)

science - study for chapter 13 test (tomorrow!)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

tuesday homework.

math - finish worksheet (tables and graphs)

math - 3,2 worksheet (approximating square roots)

science - do chapter review worksheet and study for test on thursday!!!

math - 3.3 worksheet - do ODD only (rate of change/slope)

science - do ch. 13 standardized test practice worksheet and p. 402 #1-8

Monday, November 12, 2012

one week til thanksgiving break.

hope you all had a nice fall weekend!

6th: no homework (test day)

science - ch. 2 vocabulary crossword worksheet

science - chapter review worksheet

6th grade: computer lab

science practice (
chapter 10 practice

math practice (
coordinate points
coordinate maps
function table
graph functions

Thursday, November 8, 2012

microscopes and cells.

the 7th grade has been studying cells this past week. 
today they used microscopes to look at plants, insects, animals hair, and fibers.

already thursday.

for some reason, this week has flown by!!  i can't believe it's already thursday.  one more week and then thanksgiving break.

math - 3.6 worksheet (perimeter and area)

math - p. 146 #11-32 (square roots)

science - chapter 2 worksheet (matching vocab and 2.1&2.2 practice)

math - 3.2 worksheet (solve algebraically and graphically)

science - ch. 13 review p. 400-401
                 #1-9: choose any 5
                 #10-19: ALL
                 #20-27: choose any 4

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

rainy and cold wednesday.

math - 3.5 worksheet (choose any 18 problems to do)

science - 10.3 section review

math - no homework!

math - 3.1 worksheet

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


today is tuesday, but as the 6th graders would say, it was "twos-day" in seemed like every equation we did had an answer of 2!

math - p. 145 #8 - 24 and study for your "show me what you know..." tomorrow!  you'll be quizzed on solving one-step and two-step equations.

math - p. 138 #57-75 (part of the chapter 2 review) and study for your "show me what you know..." tomorrow. you'll be quizzed on word problems with patterns, exponents, and scientific notation.

science - 2.2 section review (p. 51 #1-6)

math - 3.1 worksheet (front and back, omit the problems involving graphing by tables)

science - 13.2 section review (p. 385 #1-5)

Monday, November 5, 2012

monday = science.

hope you had a great weekend!  how'd that extra hour of sleep feel on sunday??

science - read 10.3 and take notes on each part

science - do the front of the 2.2 worksheet
also, many of you need to complete the online assignment (see thursday's post!)

science - do the 13.2 worksheet and the "home energy survey"

6th grade: computer lab.

today in computer lab, you will be practicing adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers.  click on any of these links below to get started:
integer rules - add and subtract
integers with counters
add and subtract integers
integers rules - multiply and divide
multiply and divide integers
integers game - pirates
integers game - speedboat

Friday, November 2, 2012

it's the weekend!

math - no homework :)

science - do 10.2 section review

math - do 2.10 worksheet (scientific notation)

science - see post below

math - no homework :)

science - see post below

8th grade - computer lab

click on the link below.  be sure to e-mail your results to

chapter 3 online readiness quiz

Thursday, November 1, 2012

parent-teacher conference week.

it was a full week of parent teacher conferences!  it was great meeting with all of you.  please don't hesitate to contact us at any time either by e-mail, phone, or stopping by the school!

math - p. 139-140 #10-36 even

science - finish 10.2 worksheet

math - p. 128 #10-26 even

science - online textbook assignment: do 2.1 section self-check quiz
*must e-mail results to me at by sunday night.

additional things to check out about the cell: 
brainpop cell game
cell games
interactive cells

math - 2.8 worksheet (front - you choose 9, back - you choose 3)

science - creative writing assignment: using the pictures from your collage, write about an "energy-filled day" that you experience.  make sure to write about 15 of your pictures from your collage.  it should have many science details.


on wednesday in math class, we played ghost bingo with math problems and candy corn!

thank you madisyn for bringing in the yummy treat!!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

back from midterms.

we are now back to our normal schedule after midterms!  it's a new and fresh start as we begin new chapters in math and science.

math - do 3.1 worksheet (odd only)

science - do 10.1 section review

math - do 2.8 worksheet (front and back)

science - finish coloring the animal and plant cell & read 2.1, do "reading with purpose," and do section 2.1 review

math - p. 129 #8 - 22 even

science - finish energy collages

Friday, October 26, 2012

pancake breakfast in downtown.

we finished our busy week of midterms with a service day at SafeHouse Outreach where we served a pancake breakfast to the homeless in downtown atlanta. the students did such a great job setting up the tables and chairs for the breakfast, making pancakes and coffee, inviting the people on the streets to the breakfast, and getting to know the guests who came to partake in the meal.

picture day last week.

hey 7th graders!

Friday, October 19, 2012

study for midterms over the weekend!


math - p. 122 #43-57
science - complete the study guide

math - p. 139 #1-20
science - complete the study guide

math - p. 142 #47-60
science - complete the study guide

Thursday, October 18, 2012

a few days til midterms.


math - p. 121 #28-42

math - p. 137 #42-48 and #54-56
science - finish the study guide

math - p. 141 #25-46
science - finish the study guide

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

review week for midterms.

Monday: Spanish & Life Skills
Tuesday: Science & Language Arts
Wednesday: Math & Social Studies
Thursday: Literature & Art
Friday: 1/2 day of school

math - p. 120 #10-27
science - study guide (do ch. 1 & ch. 4)

math - p. 136 #27-41
science - study guide (do ch. 1 & ch. 24)

math - p. 140 # 9-24
science - study guide (do ch. 1 & ch. 10)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

welcome back from fall break!

after a wonderful week off, we are back in action!  this week we will be reviewing for midterms.  next week, students will be taking midterms in the mornings.

math - finish 2.6 and 2.8 worksheet (multiplying and dividing integers)

math- p. 135 #11-26

science - complete ch. 1 and ch. 24 in the study guide

math- 2.7 worksheet (percent of change)

science - complete ch. 1 and ch. 10 in the study guide

Thursday, October 4, 2012

make-up work due tuesday, oct. 16

all students have received their math and science grade print-out from  for any missing work/low grades, students have the opportunity to make up this work for partial credit.
they have all of fall break to complete their missing assignments.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

make-up work.

today was our second day of testing.  the students finished testing on language arts and reading.  tomorrow they're moving on to math!

with midterms right around the corner, i've been closely looking at grades and seeing the assignments students are missing.  today, each 7th grader received a grade print-out of their math and science grades and assignments.  for any missing work/low grades, students have the opportunity to make up this work for partial credit.  6th and 8th graders will be receiving their grade print-outs tomorrow.


6th: work on extra credit "graphing points" assignment

7th: work on make-up work (remember, do ONE assignment at a time!)

8th: no homework

Monday, October 1, 2012

first day of testing.

today we began the week of testing!  we are taking the iowa test of basic skills.  students will be testing all week, and then we will be taking a similar test at the end of the school year to compare their progress.

make sure you are getting plenty of sleep and a good breakfast!

you will not have as much homework this week because of testing!

6th: no homework

7th: finish front of 2.6 worksheet

8th: no homework

fall is here!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

6th graders: help a teacher out!

attention 6th graders: want to help me decorate for fall?  stay after school tomorrow to help decorate my classroom (leaves, pumpkins, candy corn lights, etc.)!!!  we will be decorating until 4. 

math - p. 91 #1-34 (graphing points on the coordinate plane)

math - finish 2.5 worksheet

science - do the online self-check quizzes for chapter 25 (there are 3 total...the 3 grades will be averaged together and will make a quiz grade.  you MUST e-mail the results to me!  due on monday!) 
math - finish 2.6 worksheet

science - read section 11.3, do "reading with purpose," and finish 11.3 worksheet

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

assignments for wednesday.

make sure to check the post below this one to see how to get a point towards the class rewards!

math - p.105 #13-28

science - read chapter 7.2 and do the section review on p. 194 #1-5

math - complete the stations worksheets

math - p. 106 #14-30 EVEN

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

follow my homework site.

want  a sticker towards the class rewards?  sign up to "follow" my homework site.  on the left under "students/parents" click on "join this site." sign in with your google or yahoo account.  (if you don't have one, it's a good time to set up a new e-mail account!)

math - finish 2.4 worksheet

math - p. 113 mid-chapter quiz #1-14 & study for "show me what you know..." 

science - chapter 25 review #1-25

math -  finish 2.4 worksheet

science - finish 11.2 worksheet, read 11.2, and do "reading with purpose"

7th grade - science interactives 9/25

in the computer lab, you will first work on the science interactive lab.  once that is completed, you can play some science games!

1. science interactive lab

2. games: carbon cycle   food chain    water trivia

Monday, September 24, 2012

just curious.

just you check my homework site???  the first 2 people to reply below on this post will get candy in class tomorrow!


bible - read judges 6, 7, and 8 (story of gideon)

science - read section 7.1 and do section 7.1 review

 science - 25.3 worksheet (energy flow)

science - read section 11.1.  then do the section review and "reading with purpose"

6th grade - computer lab 9/24

math - chapter 2 readiness quiz

science - chapter 4 standardized test practice

Friday, September 21, 2012

master those objectives!

last week, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade had their first math test (chapter 1 test), where they were tested over 8 or 9 objectives.  the goal in math is to master each objective (lesson) that they are taught and tested over.  in order to "master" the objective, they had to get all problems correct the dealt with that specific objective. 

on my "math wall" in class, the students' names and objectives are listed. if they mastered the objective, they have an "X" by that objective. otherwise, it is left blank and will be filled in once they master the objective! (if you do not know which ones you did not master, please e-mail me this weekend and i'll let you know!)

if they did not master each objective, each student now has a chance to master those objectives through an online assignment...

(they will receive extra credit towards their test for mastering these additional objectives.)

Master Chapter 1 Objectives: Online Textbook Assignment    Due: Monday, Sept. 24
-Go to my homework site

-Under “helpful websites!!!” on the right column, click “glencoe math book” (it will direct you to your online textbook resources)
-Either type in your textbook’s “QuickPass Code” or put your state (Georgia) and subject (Mathematics) where it says “Access Online Learning Center”

-Then you will be directed to select your textbook:

6th – Math Connects: Concept, Skills, and Problem Solving Course 2 (2009)

7th – Math Connects: Concept, Skills, and Problem Solving Course 3 (2009)

8th – Algebra 1 (2010)

-Enter the site as a Student/Parent

-On the left-hand column, choose “Chapter 1”

-Below that, choose your lesson.  This is where you will choose a lesson/objective that you did not master (e.g. You did not master 1.1, so you will select Lesson 1)

-Complete “Self-Check Quizzes” for each lesson/objective you did not master

*When you finish each practice, click on “Check it.” You will see the problems you missed.  Take it as many times as needed in order to make a 100%. E-mail the results to me at (you will not receive credit if I don’t receive your results)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

grandparent's day tomorrow.

tomorrow is grandparent's day, so we hope to see all of your grandparents in the morning!

math - p. 86 #7-18

math - p. 99-100 #12-30 EVEN

science - 25.3 worksheet

math- finish 2.3 worksheet

science - test day!  do take-home quiz (use your book)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

wednesday, wednesday.


math - 2.2 worksheet

science - chapter 4 standardized test practice p. 116-117
do part 1 - ALL
part 2 - you choose 5
part 3 - you choose 5

and study for your chapter 4 rock test on friday!!!!

math - 2.2 worksheet - front: finish top and do any 5 on bottom ; back: do any 3

math - p. 94 #11-22

science - study for chapter 10 test...tomorrow!!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

rainy tuesday.

it's a rainy day, but i hope you still had a good day!

math - p. 82 #11-35 (integers and absolute value)

math - p. 87 #14-24 EVEN and #30-36 EVEN (converting decimals to fractions and vice versa)

science - read 25.2, do "reading with purpose," and do section review #1-4

math - do the second column of the 2.2 worksheet (solving one-step equations)

science - p. 306-307 chapter 10 standardized test practice
part 1 - ALL
part 2 - you choose any 6
part 3 - you choose any 3
(and study for your test on thursday!!)

Monday, September 17, 2012

monday = science.


science - chapter 4 review #11-30 (not #26)

science - p. 711 "launch lab" and read section 25.1 and do "reading with purpose"

science - chapter 10 review #1-30

Saturday, September 15, 2012

rock party.

on friday, the 6th graders has a "Rock Party" in celebration of what we’ve been studying in Science: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.  we ate “rock” food, played “rock” games, and listened and danced to “rock” music.  students dressed up as rocks and rockstars.  in order for them to get into the party, they had to give a rock at the door!

games included:
1. name that rock tune (songs like "we will rock you" and "i love rock 'n roll")
2. where in the united states is...? (name the state where these famous rocks are found: mt. rushmore, plymouth rock, yosemite, stone mountain, etc.)
3. rock around (musical chairs, but students grab the rocks in the middle when the music stops)
4. rock, paper, scissors
5. golden rock search (students had to find the four hidden golden rocks outside)

stations included:
1. rock identification - using their magnifying glass, they were able to look at rocks, identify them, and write descriptions on cut-out cards.
2. pet rocks - paint/color your rock!
3. rocks (a.k.a. marbles)

rock food included:
1. metamorphic rock cookies
2. igneous rock cookies
3. sedimentary rock cookies
4. foliated chips
5. conglomerate rice krispies
6. layers of the earth cupcakes
7. orange and red magma (orange and strawberry fanta)
8. purple lava (purple fanta)
9. rockstar energy drink
10. pop rocks
11. rock candy
12. rock cakes
13. crushed granite nerds
14. layered candy corn


Friday, September 14, 2012

8th grade - balloon racecars!

what better way to calculate speed, acceleration, and momentum than to race balloon racecars?!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

try, try, try again.

today, the 7th and 8th graders received their graded math tests.  they worked on test corrections to correct any problems they missed! 

math - TEST homework :)

science - ROCK PARTY TOMORROW!!!  don't forget to bring clothes to change into and to bring your treat that you signed up for!  also, your "ticket" in is a rock! 

math - finish "Try, Try, Try Again"

science - do Ch. 24 "Take-home Quiz"

math - finish "Try, Try, Try Again"

science - complete the balloon racecar data sheets (calculations and answers)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

review and test.

today, the 7th and 8th graders took the chapter 1 math test.  tomorrow, the 6th graders will take the chapter 1 math test.  the 7th graders will be taking the chapter 24 science test tomorrow.

math - finish Ch. 1 Review p. 73-74 #36 - 56 & STUDY FOR CHAPTER 1 TEST!

science - do Ch. 4 Standardized Test Multiple Choice WS (take-home quiz)

math - no homework :)

science - see yesterday's post... & STUDY FOR CHAPTER 24 TEST!

math -  no homework :)

science - finish balloon racecars and be ready to race tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

reviewing and car building.

it's been a busy day of reviewing for tests!!!  also, the 8th graders have been hard at work designing a balloon racecar!

math - Ch. 1 Review p. 71-72 #8 - 35

math - finish Ch. 1 Review p. 77-78 #32-56 & STUDY FOR TEST TOMORROW!!!

science - Ch. 24 Standardized Test Practice p. 708 - 709 #1-16 & STUDY FOR TEST ON THURSDAY!!!

math - Ch. 1 Practice Test p. 67 & STUDY FOR TEST TOMORROW!

science - finish balloon racecars...race day: thursday!  feel free to google for some helpful hints!

Monday, September 10, 2012

second week of september.

hope everyone had a great weekend!  we're back to another week of school!

math - complete the chapter 1 practice test that we started in computer lab (link is below this post)

science- "journey on the rock cycle" creative story/comic strip (best story gets a prize on friday at our rock party!)
-do definition worksheet for section 2 and section 3&4
-complete the chapter 4 practice test that we started in computer lab (link is below this post)

science - complete the food web activity and answer the questions

science - complete the "formula challenge" worksheet (acceleration and speed) and bring in materials to make your balloon car here for examples.

6th grade - computer lab

today in computer lab, you will be doing math and science practice.  click on the links below.  after completing each assignment, make sure to e-mail the results to me at

math - chapter 1 practice test

science - chapter 4 rocks practice test

Friday, September 7, 2012

friday, friday.

math - no homework :)
science - journey on the rock cycle (creative writing/comic strip)  

math - chapter 1 review p. 74-76 #1-28

see earlier post

Thursday, September 6, 2012

8th graders on field trip.

today the 8th graders went on a field trip around atlanta, so the 6th and 7th graders held down the fort!

6th -
math - 1.9 worksheet (sequences)

7th -
math - 1.9 & 1.10 worksheet (solve equations)

science - chapter 24 review p. 706-707
#1-10 "you pick 5"
#11-19 ALL

#20-29 "you pick 5"

8th - see yesterday's blog post.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

honors assembly.

this morning, we had our yearly "honors assembly" where students signed a document stating that they will be honest in all of their work.  they will complete their own work and will not cheat/copy any other classmate's work.  we as teachers signed, stating that we will hold them to this standard.

6th -
math - no homework (honors assembly)

science - "try, try, try again" (science test corrections)

7th -
math - p. 72 #8-19

8th -
math - finish time/temperature group work activity, do 1.8 "teach yourself"
(both assignments are due tuesday)

science - do 10.3 momentum worksheet and online textbook assignment (information below) 
(both assignments are due monday)

8th graders:
Ch. 10 Physical Science: Online Textbook Assignment    Due: Sunday, September 9 at 10pm
-Under “helpful websites!!!”  on this homework site on the right column, click “physical science book-8th” (it will direct you to your online textbook resources
-Click on “Student Center”
-On the left column, go down to “Chapter Activities” and choose “Chapter 10” (it will direct you to Chapter 10: Motion and Momentum”
-Complete “Math Practice 1” (calculating speed), “Math Practice 2” (calculating acceleration), and “Math Practice 3” (calculating momentum)
*When you finish each practice, e-mail the results to me at (you will not receive credit if I don’t receive your results)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

back from labor day.

hope you had a good, longggg weekend! 


math - p. 60 #6 - 17  (arithmetic sequences)

math - p. 68 #8 - 19  (solving equations with addition and subtraction)
science - section 24.3 worksheet (front and back!) and color the food chain pyramid

math - list 4 examples of function and list 4 examples of non-functions
science - section 10.3 worksheet (front and back!)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

"class rewards" winners all around.

two weeks in a row of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade reaching the goal amount of stickers for the class rewards!!!  way to go, way to go!

math - finish 1.7 worksheet (solve equations with mental math)

math - lesson 1.7 in back of book #1-9 (algebraic/verbal expressions)
science -

math - functions worksheet (do all except #9-12)
science - section 1 enrichment worksheet (rolling with a coaster) and do section 1 & section 2 directed reading for content mastery worksheeet (back of worksheet you received today)