Friday, September 21, 2012

master those objectives!

last week, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade had their first math test (chapter 1 test), where they were tested over 8 or 9 objectives.  the goal in math is to master each objective (lesson) that they are taught and tested over.  in order to "master" the objective, they had to get all problems correct the dealt with that specific objective. 

on my "math wall" in class, the students' names and objectives are listed. if they mastered the objective, they have an "X" by that objective. otherwise, it is left blank and will be filled in once they master the objective! (if you do not know which ones you did not master, please e-mail me this weekend and i'll let you know!)

if they did not master each objective, each student now has a chance to master those objectives through an online assignment...

(they will receive extra credit towards their test for mastering these additional objectives.)

Master Chapter 1 Objectives: Online Textbook Assignment    Due: Monday, Sept. 24
-Go to my homework site

-Under “helpful websites!!!” on the right column, click “glencoe math book” (it will direct you to your online textbook resources)
-Either type in your textbook’s “QuickPass Code” or put your state (Georgia) and subject (Mathematics) where it says “Access Online Learning Center”

-Then you will be directed to select your textbook:

6th – Math Connects: Concept, Skills, and Problem Solving Course 2 (2009)

7th – Math Connects: Concept, Skills, and Problem Solving Course 3 (2009)

8th – Algebra 1 (2010)

-Enter the site as a Student/Parent

-On the left-hand column, choose “Chapter 1”

-Below that, choose your lesson.  This is where you will choose a lesson/objective that you did not master (e.g. You did not master 1.1, so you will select Lesson 1)

-Complete “Self-Check Quizzes” for each lesson/objective you did not master

*When you finish each practice, click on “Check it.” You will see the problems you missed.  Take it as many times as needed in order to make a 100%. E-mail the results to me at (you will not receive credit if I don’t receive your results)

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