Thursday, August 30, 2012

"class rewards" winners all around.

two weeks in a row of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade reaching the goal amount of stickers for the class rewards!!!  way to go, way to go!

math - finish 1.7 worksheet (solve equations with mental math)

math - lesson 1.7 in back of book #1-9 (algebraic/verbal expressions)
science -

math - functions worksheet (do all except #9-12)
science - section 1 enrichment worksheet (rolling with a coaster) and do section 1 & section 2 directed reading for content mastery worksheeet (back of worksheet you received today)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

it's wednesday!

it's wednesay!  just two more days and you get a longgggg weekend thanks to labor day on monday.

math - 1.6 worksheet "break the code"
science - Ch. 4 worksheet (the rock cycle)

math - no homework...quiz day :)

math - p. 49-50 #1-10 and #20-26 (functions)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

tutorial hours.

starting this week, my tutorial hours will be as follows:
6th grade math & science - wednesdays (3:25-4:15)

7th & 8th grade math & science - thursdays (3:25-4:15)

hopefully with these changes i can give more one on one attention. as always, please post on this homework site, call me, text me, or e-mail me if you need help!!

if you are making up a test or quiz, you can come any day of the week after school.

rainy day.

hope you've had a happy tuesday, despite all of the rain!

math - p. 46 #14-31 (algebra - variables and expressions)

math - finish last station (on colored paper) and study for your first quiz!!!

science - finish section 1 worksheet and do the following writing prompt in your composition notebook:
You are an explorer going on an expedition to one of the habitats we have discussed today. On your journey you make a wonderful discovery. Tell us about your journey. Include details about what supplies you needed, any environmental challenges, the plants and animals you encountered, and of course your great discovery.

math - 1.6 relations worksheet

science - section 1 worksheet and "distance, time, speed practice problems"

Monday, August 27, 2012

test day.

today, the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade took their first science test.

homework for each science class: do take-home quiz (national standardized test practice)

rules for take-home quiz:
-you may use your textbook & the internet
-you may not discuss problems with classmates

Sunday, August 26, 2012

penny lab.

the students used the process of the scientific method to do a simple lab in class on wednesday and thursday.
the control: a clean penny. how many drops will fit on the penny?
the independent variable: the testing substance (soap).
how will the soap effect how many drops of water will fit on the penny?
students collected and analyzed the data.

a science weekend.

6th, 7th, and 8th grade all have a science test on monday!!! 

study, study, study. 

best ways to study:
-reread chapter 1
-read the main ideas
-study the vocabulary
-study the scientists mentioned in the chapter
-do practice quizzes/tests on the online site (under "helpful websites"...remember, you get extra credit for completing these!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

reviewing and quizzing.

today, 6th grade and 8th grade took their first "show me what you know..." (math quiz) in class.  7th and 8th grade reviewed for their first science test, which is on MONDAY!

math - In your composition books: Write a problem that could be solved by Guess & Check. Then write the steps you would take to find the solutionto your problem. BE CREATIVE!


math - p. 48 #14 - 28 EVEN

science - do chapter 1 standardized test practice
                   Part 1 - do all problems
                   Part 2 - do any 3 problems
                   Part 3 - do any 3 problems

math - no homework :)

science - do take home lab worksheet and study for test!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

start studying.

as we reach the middle of our math chapters and the end of our science chapters, the first quizzes and tests are happening!

6th & 8th grade will both have a math quiz tomorrow.  7th grade will have a math quiz on tuesday.

6th, 7th, and 8th will all have a science test on monday over their first chapter.


6th grade:
math - 1.5 Word Problem Worksheet (finish the front, do #1 and #2 on the back)

science - Chapter 1 Standardized Test Practice p. 30 - 31
               Part A: do all problems
               Part B: you choose any 5 problems to do
               Part C: you choose any 3 problems to do

7th grade:
math - p. 44 #12-28 EVEN (1.4 Adding Integers)

8th grade:
math - do the back of 1.4 worksheet

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

full tuesday.

6th grade:
math - p. 669 #1-27 odd (from Lesson 1-4)

7th grade:
math - p. 38 #14-38 even (integers & absolute value)

science - Chapter 1 Review p. 32-33 #11-28

8th grade:
math - p. 19-20 #10-14 EVEN, #18-24 EVEN, #38-47 ALL (mathematical properties)

science - Chapter 1 Standardized Test Practice p. 38-39
                   Part 1: ALL
                   Part 2: You choose any 5 problems to do
                   Part 3: You choose any 3 problems to do

Monday, August 20, 2012

ending chapter 1.

6th science: complete the key vocabulary crossword in your science packet & do chapter 1 review p. 28-29 #11-18 and #29-30

7th science: complete the chapter 1 science packet (animal classification and key vocabulary word search)

8th science: chapter 1 review p. 32 #11-28

Saturday, August 18, 2012

order of operations.

6th grade:
math - p. 40 #10-21 (order of operations)
science - finish sponge bob scientific method packet

7th grade:
no homework :)  7th grade won the class rewards this week for getting 20 stickers!  they had free time at the end of class, i brought a treat in for them, and they have no homework over the weekend in math.

8th grade:
math - six problems: p. 13 #49-54 (be careful...lots of variables!! make sure to follow order of operations.)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

6th graders learning about square numbers.

can you make a square with the area of 4?
or 16?
or 12?
oh, why not 12??  let's talk about that...

extra practice in math.


6th grade:
math - p. 668 Extra Practice for Lesson 1-2 and 1-3.  Do the first column only for each of those lessons. (Exponents & Squares and Square Roots)

7th grade:

math - p. 668 Extra Practice for Lesson 1-2 #1-25 ODD PROBLEMS ONLY (Algebraic Expressions & Commutative, Associative, Distributive, and Identity Properties)
science - read section 1.3 and 1.4 and do "Reading for Understanding" for EACH section.

8th grade:
math - p. 815 Extra Practice for Lesson 1-2 #22-33 (Evaluating Algebraic Expressions)

science - complete the front and back of the first page of the science packet.  also, read section 1.3 and 1.4 and do "Reading for Understanding" for EACH section.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

middle of the week homework.


6th grade:
math - p. 36 #10-30 (Squares and Square Roots)
science - read section 1.2 and answer section 2 review, do "Reading for Understanding"

7th grade: math - p. 32 #25-32 (Commutative, Associative, Distributive, and Identity Properties)

8th grade: math - p. 13 #15-35 (Order of Operations)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

welcome to my homework site.

i'm hoping you are checking this site because you received the letter i gave to each student today about my homework site that is now up and running!  please bookmark this site so you can remember to check it to see the assignments your child should be completing in math and science.

6th math: Chapter 1.2 (Exponents and Powers) p. 32 #11-32

7th math: Chapter 1.2 (Algebraic Expressions) p. 32-33 #11-24 and #45-47 

8th math: Chapter 1.1 (Verbal and Algebraic Expressions) p. 7 #11-30

7th & 8th science: Complete the Sponge Bob packet on Scientific Method & read Section 1.2 in your book (and as always, fill out the "Reading for Understanding")

Monday, August 13, 2012

do the scientific method.

today, each class began their science unit with reviewing the scientific method.  do you have the scientific method song stuck in your head???   maybe you should listen to it a few times...

6th: read p. 6-14, do the section review #1-4, and complete one section of "Reading with Purpose"

7th: read p. 6-13, do the section review #1-5, and complete one section of "Reading with Purpose"

8th: read p. 6-11, do the section review #1-4, and complete one section of "Reading with Purpose"

what is "Reading with Purpose"?
for each section that we read in science, you will answer these questions on the worksheet:
what words were new to you?
what is one thing you learned?
what is one thing you found interesting?
what is one thing you did not understand?

this way, we can be intentional on paying attention while reading!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

first week down.

what a great first week!  i had a wonderful week getting to know all of my students and the parents who came to Open House!

6th grade:
math - HW: p. 23 #1-18
science - HW: Why is the sky blue? (in composition book! see below post for details)
bible - p. 9 section: Purposes for Studying God's Word

7th grade:
math - HW: p. 23 #1-21
science - HW: Why is the sky blue? (in composition book! see below post for details)

8th grade:
math - p. P22 #24 - 31  (percents)
science - HW: Why is the sky blue? (in composition book! see below post for details)

Thursday, August 9, 2012


homework:6th math: p. 28   #3-12
7th math: p. 27-28   #1-9
8th math: p. 3   #1-20

7th science & 8th science: in your composition book, title the page "HW: Why is the sky blue?"  Write a list of at least 5 things that you wonder about in the world around us.

the other day, each student had an assignment to write their academic, long term, and spiritual goals.  here are just some of the goals our students have...

academic goals:
i want to remember my locker code.
i want to never get a demerit.
i want to get on the principal's list.
i want to make all A's.
i want to be more organized.
i want to ask for help and be willing to be helped.
i want to be the valedictorian of the 8th grade class.
i want to make all A's and B's.
i want to get better at Math because i'm not that good at it.

long term goals:
i want to be come an author.
i want to become a registered nurse.
i want to get married.
i want to go to UGA and get a degree in international business.
i want to come back to AYA next year.
i want to go to FSU for college.
i want to be successful.
i would like to be a singer.
i want to work as a teacher or a vet.
i want to get a full scholarship to college.
i want to go to Harvard.
i want to go to SCAD and major in art and fashion.

spiritual goals:
i want to pray more.
try and do a daily devotional.
i want to read the Bible every day.
i want to go to heaven when i pass away.
i want to attend church more often.
i will start to pray every day.
i would like to have a good understanding of God's word.
i want to spread his Word and be more like Him.
i want to get back focused on God.
i want to be more thankful.
i want to read the entire Bible.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

new year. new teacher.

welcome to the new school year. i am excited  to be the new math and science teacher at AYA!!  this is the homework site that you can check for assignments and additional practice.

for now, make sure you know how to check grades on  grades will start being posted this weekend.

username (differs by grade and subject): 
6th math: number6         6th science: dinosaur6
7th math: number7         7th science: dinosaur7
8th math: number8         8th science: dinosaur8

password: student's first name and last initial