Monday, August 13, 2012

do the scientific method.

today, each class began their science unit with reviewing the scientific method.  do you have the scientific method song stuck in your head???   maybe you should listen to it a few times...

6th: read p. 6-14, do the section review #1-4, and complete one section of "Reading with Purpose"

7th: read p. 6-13, do the section review #1-5, and complete one section of "Reading with Purpose"

8th: read p. 6-11, do the section review #1-4, and complete one section of "Reading with Purpose"

what is "Reading with Purpose"?
for each section that we read in science, you will answer these questions on the worksheet:
what words were new to you?
what is one thing you learned?
what is one thing you found interesting?
what is one thing you did not understand?

this way, we can be intentional on paying attention while reading!

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